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July 2003

Soul Survivor
Soul Survivor
Held hostage in a jungle for more than a year by Muslim terrorists, missionary Gracia Burnham lost her husband in a violent rescue attempt. Here's what Gracia learned during her captivity—and what she's still waiting to discover.
Family Feuds
My relationship with my sister-in-law brought new meaning to the phrase ''for better or for worse.''
My Son's a Cyber-Spud
How can I limit his time online?
A Brave New Worldview
How we can live confidently in uncertain times.
Beyond the Blues
My post-delivery depression left me feeling ashamed and alone.
Mission Accomplished
I wanted to serve God in an exotic locale, but he had other cross-cultural encounters in mind.
It Took a Village
Few people groups have experienced the level of poverty and abuse felt by India's 300 million Dalits or "untouchables." But indigenous missionaries and evangelists are bringing them new hope.
Is Marriage Eternal?
Will I still be married to my wife in heaven?
A Prodigal Daughter
A Prodigal Daughter
My daughter, though she claims to be a Christian, is living with her boyfriend. What should I do?
Prayer Promises
How to make the words "I'll be praying for you" more than just a casual comment.

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There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
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