Family Time with God: February
How to use this section: On this page, you'll find Fun Stuff, monthly activities for your family, and Did You Know, an interesting story to tell your kids. On the pages that follow, you'll learn a new Bible verse a week. The verses are divided into three parts: Preschoolers memorize the words in bold. Elementary kids memorize the words in bold and italics. Teens and parents learn the complete verse.
Heart Pillows (February 27)
You'll need:
- 10" x 10" squares of red, white, or pink fabric, two squares for each person in your family
- scissors, a Sharpie marker
- a piece of cardboard or a heart-shaped stencil
- red or white yarn, and a sewing needle
- cotton balls
Use the cardboard to make a heart template. Trace the template to draw a heart on each piece of fabric. Cut out the hearts. Use a Sharpie to write "Jesus Loves _______ (insert friend's name)" on each heart. Lay one heart on top of the other with the words showing on top. Use the yarn to sew the hearts together, leaving a small opening. Stuff the heart with cotton, then sew the rest of the way. Give the heart to your friend.
Fish Food (March 8)
You'll need:
- 1 package of blue Jell-O
- 1 package of gummy fish
- 1 clear bowl
Mix the Jell-O according the package, then pour into the clear bowl. When Jell-O is slightly set (about 11/2 hours), stir in gummy fish. Refrigerate until Jell-O is completely set. Let your kids "fish" with toothpicks, skewers, or chopsticks.
Flower Power (April 28)
Making pictures of pressed flowers has been a popular hobby since the 1800s. In Victorian times, children often made pressed-flower pictures right in the garden, covering the arranged "picture" with glass to make a stepping-stone. Here's how your family can make homemade pressed-flower pictures.
You'll need:
- a variety of flowers, leaves, and grasses
- an easy-to-assemble frame
- pretty stationery, wrapping paper, or plain paper to use as a background for your flowers
Take the frame apart and cut your paper to fit the frame. Arrange your flowers on the paper. Children might want to draw a scene and include the real flowers in their picture, or use the flowers and leaves to make a collage or abstract image. Place the glass from the frame over the flowers, making sure the flowers are pressed down the way you want them. Carefully reassemble the frame and hang your flowers someplace special.
Did You Know
The tilapia fish (March 18) is found in the Sea of Galilee. In Matthew 17:24-27 we read the story of a man collecting the temple tax. Jesus told Peter to go down to the Sea of Galilee, and that the first fish Peter caught would have the tax money in its mouth.
People thought the story was a myth, until scientists discovered the tilapia fish. These fish carry their eggs, then their young fish in their mouths. Sometimes the young fish come back to their mother and try to return to her mouth. To prevent this, the mother fills her mouth with anything she can find; many tilapia fish are found with coins or bottle caps in their mouths. Sounds like Jesus knew what he was talking about!
What Is Awana?
Awana ® is a nondenominational youth ministry committed to reaching boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and training them to serve him. To learn more about Awana and locate an Awana club near you, visit
Faithful Friends
SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday | ||||||
Week 1 Friends Help Each Other Proverbs 27:17As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. | ||||||
1. Make a new friend at church. | 2. February is Friendship Month, so pray for your friends today. | 3. Read Ecclesiastes 4:9-12. Talk about the ways friends help each other. | 4.Family Forum: What is a friend? How can you be a good friend? | 5. Learn Proverbs 27:17. | 6. Have an adult sharpen a knife to demonstrate this week's verse. | 7. Invite a friend to lunch today. |
Week 2 Friends Encourage Each OtherProverbs 13:20He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm. | ||||||
8.Family Forum: How do friends help us grow closer to God? | 9. Play a game with a friend today. Let your friend pick the game and take the first turn. | 10. Learn Proverbs 13:20. | 11. Read Proverbs 17:17. | 12. Write a letter of encouragement to a friend. | 13. Make red, heart-shaped Jell-O Jigglers. | 14. Celebrate Valentine's Day with heart-shaped pancakes. |
Week 3 Friends Protect Each OtherProverbs 16:28 A perverse man stirs up dissension, and a gossip separates close friends. | ||||||
15. Be a peacemaker with your friends today. | 16.Family Fun: Play a game of Telephone. Whisper a message to someone, and pass it on around the room. How much does the message change? | 17. Read Proverbs 16:23-28. | 18.Family Forum: Talk about the ways gossip hurts people. | 19. Learn Proverbs 16:28. Perverse means "bad, tricky." | 20. Put a stop to any gossip you hear today. | 21. List five qualities you like in a friend. |
Week 4 Our Greatest FriendJohn 15:13Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. | ||||||
22. Count how many times you hear the word "love" in church today. | 23. Learn John 15:13. | 24.Family Forum: Who gave his life for you? Why did he do it? | 25. Sing "Jesus Loves Me," inserting your name every time the word "me" appears. | 26. Read John 15:13-17. | 27. Make a heart pillow for a friend (see above). | 28. Say all the verses you've learned this month. |
29. Celebrate this extra day with your favorite family activity. |
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