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June 2011

Worship Service Blues
How to worship at a church that doesn't fit your worship preferences
The Sweet Relief of Grace
A powerful lesson when I deserved punishment
Community Never Dies
Community Never Dies
A letter to a grieving friend
Confessions of a Christian Insomniac
Finally, I found relief in an obvious, but unexpected, place
Tempted to Leave
Tempted to Leave
Why keeping away from my church community wasn't such a great idea
Discipleship Through Community
Discipleship Through Community
Learning to trust others can be the best way of growing in Christ.
60 Days to ... More Authentic Relationships
Celebrate Even in Pain?
My father had lost his leg. How could I possibly follow the apostle Paul's command to rejoice in all things?
If I Could Change the Past ...
I'd done stupid things before, but my thoughtless, selfish words took the cake. Would I find forgiveness?
The Next Nineteen Days
I promised in sickness and in health, now I realize the true measure of a marriage
Giving Gifts of Truth
How do we prepare our children for pain when it still surprises us?

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July 26, 2024
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
The risky call to love like Christ

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