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June 2003

Go Wild
Even if you've never pitched a tent, here's how to have a great time camping with your family
Family Time with God: May
Daily faith builders from Awana
Respecting Differences
Helping your child develop the gift of compassion.
Moms Are People, Too
Making time for yourself could be the best thing you do for your kids
A Different Kind of Smart
Discover your child's multiple intellegences
Sacred Playtime
Let your child's imagination put the wonder back in your family devotions
Discipline for the Long Haul
Teenagers still need the guidance of parents. Here's how to stay the course.
Family Night Fun
Fun, simple ideas for energizing your family's time with God
Family Time with God: June
Daily faith builders from Awana
Developing Faith
Fresh ideas for making the most of life in your church.
Wild Boys
I am a stay-at-home mother of two boys ages 2 and 4. When they are apart, each of them is pleasant, helpful, and easy to have around. But as soon as they are together they are unruly and disobedient. When they do "play" together it's like they're on a mission to destroy everything in sight. I want them to have fun and get along, but they are either fighting or out of control. What can I do?
Family Time with God: July
Daily faith builders from Awana
Drawing the Line
How to establish new boundaries for your young teen
The Faith Box
Tell the story of your family's life with God
Healing for Grieving Parents
When an infant dies, the loss is intense. Here's how you can offer support and comfort.
Growing a Praying Family
How to tend to your child's budding faith
Poison Control
How to protect your child's heart and mind from the power of pornography
"Should I Spank My Child?"
One mother's answer to parenting's most controversial question
Reasonably Happy Trails
Taking my kids on a hike seemed like the perfect cure for the summer doldrums. If only I could get them past the parking lot …
Keeping the Faith
10 secrets for helping your teenager live what she believes
Temper Tantrums
My Child Struggles with Anxiety. What Can I Do?
How you can help your child manage anxiety

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