Family Time with God
How to use this section:The verses are divided into three parts: Preschoolers memorize the words in bold. Elementary kids memorize the words in bold and italics. Teens and parents learn the complete verse.
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Awana® is a nondenominational youth ministry committed to reaching boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and training them to serve him. Mom and Dad, you can find an Awana program in your area. Over 11,000 churches run clubs in all 50 states. Visit to learn more about Awana and to find a club. Come and see what Awana has to offer your child and family.
Out with the Old, in with the New
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1Attach clean, damp sponges to your children's bare feet with rubber bands or string. The floors get cleaned as your kids skate! |
2Make a chore list for each child. Have a prize for whomever finishes the list. |
3Read 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13. What could those lazy people have learned from the ant in our memory verse? |
Week 1: Sacrifices Romans 8:1Therefore,there is now no condemnationfor those who are in Christ Jesus. |
4Review Proverbs 6:6. |
5Read Romans 8:1-5. Start memorizing Romans 8:1. |
6Play the "Who Moved My Cheese Game" from Fun Stuff. |
7Read Exodus 20:18-24. What did God tell the Israelites to do after he gave them the Ten Commandments? |
8Did you know that an animal for sacrifice had to be spotless, with no dark spots or scars? |
9Get a large box and make a Noah's Ark for your child and his stuffed animals. |
10It's hard to think about sacrificing animals. Talk about how Jesus paid the price for our sins instead. |
Week 2: Changing Out of Dirty Clothes Revelation 3:5 He who overcomes will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out his namefrom the book of life, but will acknowledge his name before my Father and his angels. |
11Review Romans 8:1. |
12Read Revelation 3:4-5. Start memorizing Revelation 3:5. |
13Have an "Out with the Old" day. Give outgrown clothing to an organization that accepts donations. |
14Read Zechariah 3:3-7 about changing out of dirty clothes. |
15Have your kids make a paper doll of themselves and cut out fun outfits for it from a catalog. Remind them of Wednesday's reading. |
16Dress your child in white clothing and explain the purpose of spiritual purity. |
17Shop for cold-weather clothing. |
Week 3: How Do I Look in White? Isaiah 1:18 "Come now, let us reason together," says the Lord. "Though your sins are like scarlet,they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool." |
18Review Revelation 3:5. |
19Read Isaiah 1:16-18. Start memorizing Isaiah 1:18. |
20Start collecting pretty leaves. Press them in a large hardback book for an activity you'll be doing next month. |
21Read Revelation 7:9-12 about how we will be in heaven, wearing white clothing and praising God together with people from all over the world. |
22Go to to find out one way in which your family can spread the gospel through missions. |
23Find a missionary who has children about the same age as yours. Have your kids email or write the missionary kids to encourage them. |
24Read Mark 9:2-8 about how Jesus appeared to his disciples in sparkling white clothing. |
Week 4: Clean Heart Philippians 2:14Do everything without complaining or arguing. |
25Review Isaiah 1:18. |
26Read Psalm 51:1-10. Start memorizing Psalm 51:10. |
27Have your kids eat their hearts out with fun sandwiches. |
28Discuss identity—is it your name, whether you are a boy or a girl, or that you are a Christian? |
29Draw a picture of yourself and attach a glittery heart sticker where your heart is. |
30Review all the verses from September. See who can recite their verses with only one help. |
Copyright © 2005 by the author or Christianity Today/Christian Parenting Today magazine. Click here for reprint information on Christian Parenting Today.
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