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November 2007

Recovering? Nicely?
"I'll Be Praying for You"
How to say it—and pray it—like you mean it.
Rachel: She Had It All … And Still Wanted More
Genesis 30:1-24
Loving My Neighbors
A life-changing trip showed me they live in West Africa as well as down my block.
Over the Limit?
I work in a restaurant where I'm require to serve alcoholic beverages. Am I sinning?
Talking Dirty
My roommate often swears in God's name. Is there a Bible verse I can show him that says we shouldn't curse like that—or at all?
Angels We Have Heard
How much do you know about the what the Bible says regarding these divine heralds and helpers?

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July 26, 2024
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
The risky call to love like Christ

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