Small Actions, Big Payoff
You don't have to be rich, famous or a genius to impress your mate. In fact, your spouse is probably thrilled that you're not Barbara Walters or Albert Einstein. Just try a few of these exceedingly easy activities over the next few weeks and see if your mate doesn't take notice.
- Sign up for the Laundry Hamper Frequent-User Program.
- Instead of sending your spouse over to the neighbor's to complain about their yapping dog, do it yourself.
- Let your spouse choose the radio station the next time you're in the car together.
- Rent your mate's favorite video—again.
- When your spouse discusses a dream for the future, don't throw a wet blanket on it. Go ahead and dream together.
- Pack your mate's lunch.
- When it's 11:45 and the video is due at midnight, volunteer to return it.
- Bring your mate a cup of coffee in the morning and let him or her drink it in bed.
- While watching TV, give your partner an unsolicited foot massage.
- Every so often, don't negotiate or compromise. Just give in and do it your spouse's way.
- Show your mate the same respect you showed your favorite grade-school teacher.
- Think back to when you were dating and write down three reasons you couldn't wait to spend the rest of your lives together. Post the list on the refrigerator.
Let us know what your mate does to make the biggest impression on you. Contact us at:
Making an Impression
Marriage Partnership
465 Gundersen Drive
Carol Stream, IL 60188
fax: 630/260-0114
1998 by the author or Christianity Today/Marriage Partnership magazine. For reprint information call 630-260-6200 or
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