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The Magazine

The Kyria brand (2009-2012) changed to Today's Christian Woman in 2012.
March/April Issue issue

March/April, 2012

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In This IssueIn This Issue

How Do I Explain Easter to My Children?
The reality of a human raised from the dead is hard enough for adults to understand, much less kids.
God's Freedom and Grace
Why did an omniscient God create humankind knowing so many would reject him?
Embracing the Mystery of Salvation
We do a disservice to God and our faith when we try to rationalize Scripture.
Obeying the Secret Nudges
Could part of God's mysterious workings be found in his whisperings?
More Than We Know
Writer and speaker Frederica Mathewes-Green talks about the mysterious nature of God and our relationship and understanding of it.
Fearing God
How do we reconcile the approachability of his love with the terror of his holiness?
Three Questions for ... Ginny Owens
Thoughts on the mystery of God.
Wise Pondering
Wise Pondering
To embrace the power in the mystery is to experience the presence of God.
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