The Marks of a Great Woman
In the world we live in, we are constantly inundated with many different images of women. We are told by the media, friends, family, and even our mates what they think a woman should be. Everything is taken into consideration—from her weight, height, career, makeup, and clothes she wears to the people she is associated with. But as we delve deeper and really understand ourselves and who we are, we are faced with a truth that is hidden amid all the rhetoric: The truth that we are valuable, significant, and bearers of a responsibility as women that far surpass our outer extremities.
The marks of a great woman can be categorized as such:
Dependable: A woman who is great is one who can be depended upon no matter what (Proverbs 31:11–12, 15, 21, 27). She is accessible when needed, and she can be a great sense of encouragement to others even though she herself has her own struggles.
Hard Working: A woman of greatness is good with her hands (Proverbs 31:13, 16–17, 24). She can create opportunities for herself through her inventive spirit. She is creative, resourceful and always committed to going beyond what is required to produce the most effective results. When people tell her she can't, she tells herself, "Yes I can!"
Helpful and Generous: A woman marked by greatness is one who not only has trail-blazing spirit and is prosperous in all she does, but one who has a generous spirit toward others and is willing to share all the knowledge, wisdom and resources she's garnered to help other women succeed as well (Proverbs 31:15, 19–20).
Teachable: A woman of greatness is one who not only is willing to plant seeds of wisdom and knowledge into others' lives but one who welcomes insight, nourishment and wisdom imparted from other great women (Esther 2:15) and (Ruth 3:5).
Loving: A great woman gives and receives love from others without limitations. She sees the best in all people, flaws and all! For she realizes that all of us are imperfect people, and we need to exemplify love towards each other (Esther 4:4), (Ruth 4:15), and (Genesis 24:18–20).
Wise: "Wisdom is Her Head Covering"—she walks in it, eats it, digests it, and allows it to work fully in all areas of her life (Proverbs 31:26).
Humble: Regardless of what condition she finds herself in life and what accomplishment she has acquired, she realizes the importance of staying humble. Realizing that with a "gentle and quiet spirit" (1 Peter 3:4), you can go a long way in life, but with pride and arrogance, what awaits her along the way is "a great fall" (Proverbs 29:23).
Modestly Dressed: A woman who is marked by greatness loves God and seeks to represent herself in a way that is appropriate and pleasing to God (1 Timothy 2:9).
Trustworthy/Honest: A women of greatness is one who makes it her aim to speak the truth. She isn't trying to be deceptive or misleading, and her purpose isn't to intentionally cause anyone to fall because of her actions (Proverbs 7:5, 21–23 and Proverbs 31:11–12). She is a sister that you can come to and know that she is going to tell you the truth, even "openly rebuke you" if necessary, with love and a desire to see you mature and go forward.
Gentle Spirit: A woman marked by greatness is one who is gentle in her conduct. She is not loud, boisterous, aggressive or intimidating (Proverbs 9:13). She recognizes that to be a woman marked by greatness she must exemplify "spiritual inner beauty," which is an "unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight" (1 Peter 3:4).
Takes Care of Family: A woman marked by greatness always makes sure her family is well taken care of and has all of its needs met (Proverbs 31:13–15, 21, 27).
When we look at all of the characteristics or attributes of a great woman, it wouldn't be right for me to not mention some powerful biblical examples of great godly women:
Ruth is noted as hardworking (Ruth 2:7, 17), teachable (Ruth 3:5), loving (Ruth 4:15) and faithful (Ruth 1:16–17).
Esther is noted as brave (Esther 4:11, 5:1–2), wise (Esther 4:15–16, 5:3–8), and teachable (Esther 2:15).
Sarah trusted God (Hebrews 11:11)
Mary surrendered to the will of God (Luke 1:38).
Rebekah was kind (Genesis 24:18–20) and hardworking (Genesis 24:20).
Priscilla is noted as being biblically knowledgeable, wise, and an excellent teacher (Acts 18:24–26), and she and her husband Aquila often opened up their home to others ((1 Corinthians 16:19).
These are just a few exemplary examples of great women in the Bible. I have been very encouraged by my research of these great women, and my charge to all of us as women marked by greatness is to always make it our aim in all we do to serve and honor God. God is at the forefront of all that we do, and we must seek him and acknowledge him in everything (Matthew 6:33). Without God, we can do nothing! If we follow God's direction, and walk according to his purpose and plan for our lives, then and only then can we be women "marked by greatness!"
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Jennifer Workman is a writer, speaker, web designer, editor, and author. Connect with her on her website.
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