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Church Life & Ministry
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  • Is It Wrong to Get Plastic Surgery?
    Applying God's wisdom to cosmetic surgery
  • A Love Letter to My Body
    What a lifetime of failed diets has taught me
  • Does Your Child Have a Food Allergy?
    Parenting kids with allergies and intolerances (with faith)
  • The Power of Food
    Can it really bring world peace?
  • Healthy Grocery Girl
    Tips on how to eat well on a busy, working woman's schedule
  • Too Fat, Too Thin, or Just Right?
    Discerning a healthy approach to body issues
  • Beautiful by Design
    Why we're lovely at any size
  • With All My Body
    Conserving resources applies to the most basic thing we possess.
  • Defined by Violence
  • The Holy Diet
    Be honest: Do we really fast for spiritual growth—or do we want the added reward of slimming our thighs?
  • The Culture We Embrace
    One morning I asked God for a year-long challenge. He told me to give up sweets. And I learned some important and eye-opening things!
  • Marriage Vitamins
    Maybe you think it's your marriage that isn't doing well. Could just be your health.
  • The Secret to Balanced Living
    How couples have discovered a balanced lifestyle through a Christ-centered program called First Place
  • Why Can't My Wife Lose Weight?
    Wrong approach: nagging my wife about her size. Right approach: my physician told me to diet.
  • Healthy Holidays
    This time of year doesn't have to bring stress to your family's fun, waist, or wallet.

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July 26, 2024
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
The risky call to love like Christ

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