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  • Are You a Button Pusher?
    Understanding the power you have in relationships
  • Why Leaders Need Mentors Too
    You're stronger when you don't try to lead on your own
  • Sweet Dreams, Sweet Health
    Why a good night's dream is pivotal to your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being
  • Lectio Divina: God's Word for Us
    What I learned at a local coffee shop on a sacred journey through Scripture
  • What I Am Means For You
    How to make I AM personal in our lives.
  • Celebrate Even in Pain?
    My father had lost his leg. How could I possibly follow the apostle Paul's command to rejoice in all things?
  • Remodeling
    I'm a lot like the house I fixed up.
  • Editor's Note
    The importance of contemplation in your spiritual life.
  • The Lost Discipline
    Author and theologian Phyllis Tickle shows us how contemplation is invaluable for Christians today.
  • Phyllis Tickle: Meaningful Contemplation
    Is sitting in stillness with God a lost spiritual discipline? Here's why it should be prioritized in our daily lives.
  • Surviving Stuck
    God couldn't have used a more obvious analogy to beat some truth into my head.
  • Photographic Memories
    How to preserve your romantic history together
  • From the Editors
    So That's Why We Got Married
  • Running Yourself Ragged?
    Here are five good reasons to get your schedule under control.

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July 27, 2024
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
The risky call to love like Christ

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