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March 1999

Sassy, Single, & Satisfied
Sassy, Single, & Satisfied
Author Michelle McKinney Hammond dishes on men, marriage, and why she loves being a woman.
Surviving an Affair
Surviving an Affair
God can bring blossoms of joy out of the dirt of your despair.
What Have You Done for YOU Lately?
12 ways to give yourself the special treatment you deserve.
Can We Be Friends?
How to draw closer to your mother-in-law
Seven Days to Live
What can we learn from Jesus' last week on earth?
I'm Married to Jekyll and Hyde!
Why is he different in public than at home?
College—It's Closer Than You Think!
6 ways to prepare your child
Turn Your Fizzle into Sizzle
Turn Your Fizzle into Sizzle
Ditch these 6 attitudes that can make your marriage go flat.
Why Motherhood Is the Ultimate Source of Higher Education
Why Motherhood Is the Ultimate Source of Higher Education
It's a whole new world.
Making Peace with My Emotions
It took months of crying spells for me to realize I was depressed.
Ask Dr. Mary: A Preschooler's Lies
Plus, violent behavior and school uniforms
Can You Help?: Real-Life Advice
"How Can I Explain Grandpa's Death?"
A Smoother Move
Changing homes is hard, but you can help your kids make the big adjustment
The Best Laugh
How to teach the difference between godly hilarity and hurtful "humor"
Countdown to Easter
Forty ways to celebrate the greatest event in history
Picky, Picky
When Baby Makes CHAOS
Caught off guard by all the changes? Here are ways to strengthen your partnership
Do You $pend Too Much on Your Kids?
Many of us do, says expert (and mom) Juliet Schor. Here's how to keep things in perspective
Your Child Today: Birth to 12 Months
Safer Car Travel: How to keep your baby buckled in while maintaining your sanity
Your Child Today: 1 to 2 years
Talking to Your Doctor: Good communication will improve your toddler's healthcare
Your Child Today: 2 to 3 years
Winning the Food Fight: What to do about a reluctant eater
Your Child Today: 3 to 5 years
Sexual Curiosity: How to keep your preschooler's sexuality in perspective
Your Child Today: 5 to 8 years
Words That Sting: Help your grade-schooler learn some "teasing defusers"
Your Child Today: 8 to 11 years
Comprehending the Holy Spirit: How your child can move on to a fuller grasp of God's nature
Your Child Today: 11 to 14 years
Calming Anxiety: How to help your child release fears and worries
Single Parenting: The Ugly Green Stripe
My son wasn't the only one who struggled with envy
Healthy & Safe: Your family's well-being
Getting the Lead Out: How to guard against lead poisoning
Mom's Journal
A Souvenir of the Heart: How do I shape my children's view of their dad?
Build Your Bible Power
Miraculous Meals
Jesus' Unanswered Prayers
Even God's Son didn't get an instant reply

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There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
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