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December 2005

Energy to Praise!
Four ways to get your preschooler singing, dancing, and shouting for the Lord
Tempering the Tantrum
Our expert moms tell the tricks of our trade
The 'Fast Listening' Plan
Grieving Grandma
She Thinks She's Too Fat
'A Conspicuous Family'
The Marcelos represent three races in four people—and praise God for it
The Naked Truth
Authentically revealing our emotions can be a gift to others — and an honest response to God
Volunteer Training
Get your kids to give their time
The Good, The Bad, & The Filter
Seven ways to help screen culture's impurities from your children's minds
Family Time with God
November: Giving Thanks
'Have I Ever Told You About...?'
How sharing personal stories strengthens your family ties
Family Time with God
December: Angels in the Book of Luke
Family Time with God
January: Worship Songs in the Bible
Body Wars
Culture tells our daughters they're fat, ugly, and unlovable. Here are 5 ways to defeat those lies and make your child feel as beautiful as she is.
Creating a Keepsake
Prayerfully personalizing a Bible for your children gives them a treasure to live by
My Son's a Cyber-Spud

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July 27, 2024
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
The risky call to love like Christ

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