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July 2005

The Married Crush
The Married Crush
Should I think with my heart or my head?
Redeeming Love
When it comes to sexual integrity, author Shannon Ethridge admits she learned her lessons the hard way. Now she's helping other women and their daughters avoid her mistakes and find love in all the right places.
You've Got Prayer
Why staying close to my friend and God is only a click away.
Step of Faith
How Rose Averill meets the needs of homeless children in her community.
Soul Mates
How to become more intimate with God and your spouse
A New Church Home
5 questions to ask when looking for a place where you belong
Unequally Yoked
Is it a sin to marry a non-Christian?
Battles Follow Blessings
Satan often targets us when we're least expecting it.
What a Scorcher!
Toxic Christians
My Christian friends are so negative and judgmental. What should I do?
'I Waited Too Long'
Why you don't have to be perfect to share God's love.

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July 27, 2024
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
The risky call to love like Christ

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