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The Magazine

The Kyria brand (2009-2012) changed to Today's Christian Woman in 2012.
July/August Issue issue

July/August, 2012

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In This IssueIn This Issue

Freedom Is Waiting
Freedom Is Waiting
Are you willing to do the work to be set free?

Bonus ArticlesBonus Articles

Three Questions for . . . Jennie Allen
Thoughts on God's freedom.
Slaves to a Limited View of God?
Breaking free from the narrowness of our beliefs
Liberty for All
Whether in the middle of the 1960s civil rights movement or now fighting for the rights of the unborn and the elderly, Dr. Alveda King wants everyone to experience the true freedom that Christ died to give us.
My Stiff-Necked Life
My Stiff-Necked Life
How God led me through my own exodus
The Struggle of Having a To-Do List
With God's help, I'm working toward becoming life-giving, not life-occupying.
Freedom from My Silly Little Self
Is being free only doing what we want, when we want?
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