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November 2012

Family Dodgeball . . . I Mean, Thanksgiving Dinner
Family Dodgeball . . . I Mean, Thanksgiving Dinner
Get-togethers might be rough—remember you are precious to God.
Going Deeper Than 'Hi!'
Why taking the time to invest in relationships is important
The Adventure of Advent
The Adventure of Advent
9 ideas for transforming the season
When Friendships Go too Far
When Friendships Go too Far
Guarding against emotional affairs
Does Doubt Have a Place in the Church?
I found my suspicions were necessary for my faith. Here’s why.
Confront Conflict with Courage
You can respond to adversity in a God-honoring way.
Developing Healthy Holiday Relationships with Your In-Laws
Developing Healthy Holiday Relationships with Your In-Laws
Some tips for planning and being together
Joyful Living Every Day
Our days are packed—but how much do we really enjoy our routines?
The Danger of Christianese
The Danger of Christianese
How our church language can do more to exclude people than draw them to Jesus.
Standing Up to Old Bullies
Lynda Frederick had been bullied in high school. Now 25 years later, she faces her enemies again—this time on her terms.
2 Holiday Tips for Parents
Under seasonal stress, remember to STOP and HALT
Appetite for Living
I lost weight by taking better care of both my body and my marriage
What Shalom Taught Me about Reaching the Lost
When we approach evangelism with the sole purpose of restoring people spiritually, we’re missing our calling.
How I Freed Myself from Biblical Limits
What I do when I get trapped in the pharisaical maze of having to do everything right.
Hurting . . . Alone?
God's silence doesn't mean God is absent.
Becoming the "New Mommy"
Becoming the "New Mommy"
When I committed my life to Christ, my parenting changed—and my daughter was confused.
A Marriage with Something Real
With God's help, refuse to settle for "fine."
Is "Overthinking" a Blessing or a Curse?
How I turned my excitable stream of consciousness into a daily devotional practice.

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