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The Magazine

January Week 2 issue

January Week 2, 2014

Browse Archives: Browse our library of online archives, including past issues of Today's Christian Woman.

In This IssueIn This Issue

The Mommy War Raging Within Me
How can I help end the battle between women when I can't even reconcile it within myself?
When Our Deepest Desires Collide
What should Christian women want?
The Complex Choices that Divide Us
Whether we work or stay home, a new Barna study shows women are more stressed and unsatisfied than ever. So why are we still so hard on each other?
Don't Judge Me Because I'm Childless
Don't Judge Me Because I'm Childless
Is there a place at church for those of us who don't have kids?
Romans 12:2
Romans 12:2
TCW's verse of the week

Bonus Articles

Battling Against the Never-Ending Mommy Wars
How to end the biggest parenting distraction of this millennium
Give Mommy Guilt a Time Out
I'm not a perfect mother, and neither are you—let's battle the guilt together.
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