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January 2015

Cancer May Take My Life, But It Can Never Take My Hope
Cancer May Take My Life, But It Can Never Take My Hope
Choosing mundane faithfulness in the face of a terminal illness
Intimacy Is More Important than You Think
Intimacy Is More Important than You Think
Why it’s the secret to feeling better
What Keeps Moms Up at Night
Brave Mom
What Keeps Moms Up at Night
Hundreds of moms weigh in on their 5 biggest fears
Women's Ministry Myths
Women's Ministry Myths
It's more than just craft fairs and cupcakes—deep friendships and heart work happen too
It Takes Courage to Raise the Next Generation
Brave Mom
It Takes Courage to Raise the Next Generation
A new series examining our deepest mom-fears and how we can overcome them
I Disappointed Martin Luther King
I Disappointed Martin Luther King
How I’m learning to integrate faith and justice
How to Be the Best Boss
How to Be the Best Boss
The secrets to leading your employees well
Break Your Vows
Break Your Vows
Sometimes, the things we promise ourselves are the very things holding us back from freedom.
"I Hate Sex!"
"I Hate Sex!"
There’s hope for your life between the sheets.
The Lure—and Lie—of Self-Help
The Lure—and Lie—of Self-Help
You need much more than easy tips for a better life.
Flexible Work Arrangements: Do They Truly Exist?
Flexible Work Arrangements: Do They Truly Exist?
How to talk to your boss when you need to pare down

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There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
The risky call to love like Christ

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