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  • 5 Tips to Help Simplify Your Life
    An infographic
  • Solving the Global Water Crisis
    It takes more than wells to solve this worldwide problem.
  • Desperate Housewives?
    A humorous look at what Hollywood is really missing when they portray women at home.
  • Encouragement for Cluttered People
  • Conquer Clutter
    Get rid of the junk and make room for your marriage.
  • A Messy Marriage
  • Good, Clean Fun!
    You and your spouse can make spring cleaning less of a drag.
  • Keep a Lid on It!
    Listen up, guys, to this little known secret: Marital harmony begins in the bathroom.
  • I'm Blamed for Everything
    Also: "I Married a Clutter Bug" and "Is Cosmetic Surgery Okay?"
  • "Why Won't She Initiate?"
    Also: "Could He Take a Shower?"
  • Oh, the Mess
    Why can't he just pick up his stuff? Like me. Well, sort of.
  • Whose Turn Is It, Anyway?
    When they couldn't stop fighting over household chores, Jason and Jenn Walker found a new way to get the job done. She Said: "I'm sick of cleaning." He Said: "It's not my job."
  • Too Much Clutter!
    When our closets began to overflow, we had to make some tough choices. He Said: She won't get rid of anything. She Said: He had too much junk.
  • I Married a Mess-maker
    How could he be so thoughtless—especially when I kept reminding him to clean up?
  • Real Good Housekeeping
    How to get your spouse to help around the house

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July 27, 2024
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
The risky call to love like Christ

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