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  • Putting Up with Profanity
    What should you do when your coworkers’ language makes work uncomfortable?
  • Really Foul Language
  • Me and My Dirty Mouth
    Does the command about not taking God's name in vain include swearing?
  • Talking Dirty
    My roommate often swears in God's name. Is there a Bible verse I can show him that says we shouldn't curse like that—or at all?
  • Temper Tantrums
    My husband's angry outbursts are driving our family apart.
  • Could My Teen Be Gay?
    We're worried about his disinterest in dating.
  • Solo Act
    How can I ditch my single-mom guilt?
  • Tough Love
    5 keys to staying married (when you feel like calling it quits)
  • Say WHAT?!
    When my shoe landed in the cat dish, my foot ended up in my mouth.

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July 26, 2024
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
The risky call to love like Christ

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