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September 2003

The New Sexual Temptation
The New Sexual Temptation
The new battleground for sexual temptation isn't the bedroom, but our brains.
25 Ways You Can Make a Difference!
Think one woman can't make a positive impact on the world? Think again!
The Thin Cage
Constantly thinking about how much you weigh? A former chronic dieter takes on our obsession with being skinny.
Dirty Little Secret
Men aren't the only ones lured by Internet porn.
Class Act
How partnering with teachers can enhance your child's education.
When Your Husband Struggles with Depression
When Your Husband Struggles with Depression
Take heart—there's hope for him and you.
Quiet Time Quitter
How can I get my son interested in Bible reading?
Secret Agent Man
One brave guy taught me a valuable lesson about women's ministry.
Surprised by Joy
Mary Beth Chapman never dreamed she'd travel to China to adopt two little girls, or that they'd help in her journey toward healing from depression.
A Spirit of Surrender
We can learn a lot about letting go from Jesus' mother, Mary.
I Love Being Married
I Love Being Married
5 great reasons why I do—and you can, too!
The Heart of Hospitality
How I learned it has absolutely nothing to do with having a home worthy of Southern Living.
The Other Woman: Your In-Law
The Other Woman: Your In-Law
How to live in harmony with your mother-in-law or daughter-in-law
On the Homefront
Ways to help the families left behind by deployed military members.
I'm Such a Worrywart!
How can I keep from obsessing over my kids?
A Cheerful Giver
My son taught me a needed lesson about Christlike generosity.
Connect with Your Kids
8 great ways to build a better bond.
Safe Keeping
How to protect your child from abduction
Family Time with God: August
Daily faith builders
Making the Break
Help ease your toddler's transition to the church nursery
Time Out for Parents
My husband and I both feel it's important to spend special time alone together, but our 3-year-old constantly interrupts. After she's in bed, we typically run around trying to pick up or take care of things we can't get to during the day. We end up with very little time or energy left for each other. How can we keep our daughter busy so we can put some time into our marriage?
Rear Window
My son's goofy mishap was a good reminder of God's grace
When "No" Isn't Enough
When "No" Isn't Enough
The basics of toddler discipline
Living in Another World
The best way to help your child's faith stay strong
Crazy Days
They're moody, ornery, and completely unpredictable. Here's how to stay sane while you parent a preteen.
Making Mentors
The right adults can make all the difference in your teen's life
The ABC's of Prayer
Helping children talk to God can be as easy as A-B-C. Use this simple guide to add some spark to your family's prayer life.
Devos They'll Do
Liven up your family devotions with these quick tips
Life In Our House
Silly stories from parents like you
Family Time with God: September
Daily faith builders
Family Time with God: October
Daily faith builders
Boy Crazy
Q. Our 6-year-old is completely boy crazy. She loves attention from boys of all ages and spends a great deal of time primping in front of the mirror before going anywhere. She often begs me to let her wear bright red dress-up lipstick to church (a big "no"). Is this normal for her age? Her father and I give her plenty of attention. I can't understand why she needs all of this attention, and I worry that it will only get worse as she gets older.
Oh Baby!
Help your child adjust to a new baby
House Warming
Plan a family-friendly blessing for your new home
Going Public
How to make the most of your child's public school experience.
Grace Rules!
How we brought God into our discipline style
Private-Eye Parents?
Your teenager wants privacy; you want answers. Should you butt in or back off?
Hammer and Nails
A simple lesson in anger management
Reaching Pagan Parents
My parents took my son to a fortuneteller
Don't Bet on It
Is it okay for Christians to play the lottery?

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