Just for Kids
Use this guide to choose chores that fit your child's age, ability, and personality.
2 to 3 years
- help set and clear the table
- carry in mail
- wipe tables
- helping with meal preparation (tearing lettuce, washing vegetables, etc.)
- put clothes in hamper
4 to 6 years
- water plants
- help fold towels
- measure ingredients
- dust
- feed pets
- rake leaves
- empty wastebaskets
- unload dishwasher (stacking dishes on counter)
7 to 9 years
- vacuum, sweep, mop
- load the dishwasher
- put away groceries
- cook simple food
- peel vegetables
Ages 10 and up
- unload dishwasher
- wash car
- do laundry
- cook simple meal with supervision
- fold laundry
- mow lawn
- clean bathroom, kitchen
- wash windows
Copyright © 2004 by the author or Christianity Today/Christian Parenting Today magazine.Click here for reprint information on Christian Parenting Today.
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