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March 2005

Blessed Disillusionment
Blessed Disillusionment
Why Sunday school flannel-graph stories and real life don't always match up
Sexless in Suburbia
Sexless in Suburbia
The truth behind being single and sexless
Confessions of a "Perfect" Christian Woman
Confessions of a "Perfect" Christian Woman
(Or why getting real about our messy lives is good for us)
The Truth About Yoga
The Truth About Yoga
Yoga led Laurette Willis into a New Age lifestyle. Now she's warning others of the spiritual pitfalls—and offering an alternative.
6 Marriage Builders
6 Marriage Builders
Great ways to strengthen your relationship during the parenting years
Managing Menopause
Here's what you need to know to take "The Change" in stride.
To Blog, or Not to Blog?
Is this new craze safe for my kids?
Hearing God's Call
How can I figure out what God wants me to do with my life?
Tempted at Work
As my marriage cooled, I was tempted by my coworker's advances. How far was I willing to go?
Up in Smoke
I'd followed God's lead, and this was the result?
What Jordan Taught
Who knew God would use my GameBoy-playing son to show me more about himself?
Family Time with God
April: The Exodus and Passover
Daddy's Secret Addiction
Boys Will Be … Boys!
It's no different than parenting girls—or is it?
Quiet Time Quitter
What's the best way to encourage our son to read his Bible daily?
Carla's Quest
Former CPT editor Carla Barnhill searched for "the perfect mother"— and ended up redefining the roles—and worth—of weary Christian moms instead.
When ADHD Hits Home
Could we find hope in the midst of our son's behavior problems?
Family Time with God
February: Parents, Children, and God
Unfulfilled Expectations
What happens when you find yourselves blindsided by secondary infertility?
Red Alert
What message are you giving off?
Combat Fatigue
How do I curb the competition with my kids?
Family Time with God
March: Easter-like Living
The Power of Praise
Going to Waist?
Childhood obesity is on the rise. Here's how to help your child win the battle of the bulge.
Fashion-Diva Daughter
How do we get her to dress more modestly?
Way to Pray!
How to make the ACTS prayer method accessible to your child.
Bible IQ
The Taxman Cometh
Christians on Reality TV?
How do they reconcile the difference between their beliefs and their actions?
Riding out the Storm
A faith based simply on what you feel will not survive the tough stretches.

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February 15, 2025
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
The risky call to love like Christ

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