How Do I Witness to My Hindu Friend?
Q: A dear friend and I share much in commonexcept for our faith. She grew up in a Hindu home, and I grew up in a Christian one. I've been sharing my faith with her for years, and while she listens, she still doesn't seem interested. I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong. How can I present the gospel to her more clearly?
A: I know how it feels to want Christ for someone else. In fact, everyone who shares in Christ's sufferings will share in that struggle for an unbeliever. Your close relationship with this friend is the first step to offering Christ. Through your friendship, you're not only talking about Christ, you're modeling his lovea love that pursues us through life ().
Here are a few things to consider as you continue to reach out to your friend. First, who's doing most of the talking when you discuss matters of faith? I know when I'm passionate about something, I can easily overwhelm others in conversation. Next time you get together with your friend, make sure you ask about her views. Her responses will help direct you.
Next, besides talking, what other methods of sharing your faith have you tried? Realize God can work through many different circumstances. Are there church functions to which you can invite her? Do you attend a Bible study she could visit? How could your family embrace her and expose her to Christian life? Don't be limited by talk. Look at for advice on how to win people over without words.
Lastly, how knowledgeable are you about the Hindu religion? If you don't have a good handle on this belief system, learn more about it so you can better understand what your friend needs to know. Then you'll be ready to share on topics of particular interest or need for her.
Along those lines, I encourage you to read Religions of the World, a new thought-provoking downloadable resource from This download will help you grow in your knowledge of other beliefs, and give you valuable tools for witnessing to those from different religious backgrounds. The more you learn, the more prepared you'll be to reach out with the message of Christ to those who desperately need itstarting with your friend.
Janine Petry
Managing Editor, Women & Family Resources
Christianity Today International
(P.S. If you have a question or comment, we'd love to hear from you. Please email us at
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