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The Magazine

The Kyria brand (2009-2012) changed to Today's Christian Woman in 2012.
November Issue issue

November, 2009

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In This IssueIn This Issue

Who Are You?
Too often we lose ourselves in the midst of our roles. Here's how to find the way back.
You Are God's Masterpiece
He created you with a mission in mind.
What Our Bodies Say About Our Identities
What Our Bodies Say About Our Identities
If we're truly to be the women of influence God has called us to be, then we must first make peace with our physical selves.
I've Got Something Wonder Woman Doesn't
You don't need magic bracelets or a golden lasso to change the world.
God's Purpose for Women
God's Purpose for Women
Carolyn Custis James discusses women as helpers, who God really created us to be, and the surprising role model who changed the way she views herself and all women.
The Revolution that Paul Started
The Revolution that Paul Started
What the Capernaum steps to nowhere taught me about women in ministry.
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