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February 2012

Unearthing Joy
We don't lose our joy, but it can go underground.
If Communication Breaks Down
If Communication Breaks Down
Prayer is the anchor that can keep a husband and wife connecting.
I Gave Up Worry for Lent
Consider taking 40 days to give up a deep-seated sin.
Keeping up Appearances
Admitting your marriage isn't perfect may be the first step to making it better
The Spiritual Discipline of Not Staying Put
Instead of planting roots, what if God wants us to have wings?
What's Going On with Your Teen?
Understanding the young person you thought you knew
The Dark Side
When your good spiritual gifts go bad
Reclaiming the Idea of Vocation
I’m learning what my primary calling is—and isn’t.
A Deeper Knowing
A Deeper Knowing
God is mysterious—but present—in the moments of our lives.
Listening to God
How often do I think I know what God's saying, when I really haven't a clue?
From Victims to Victors
A school counselor's thoughts on the bullying "epidemic"
God's Perfect Marriage Counseling
God's Perfect Marriage Counseling
Our marriage thrives on the right advice.
Leadership, the AA Way
Leadership, the AA Way
Getting real and leading authentically

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July 27, 2024
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
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