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Must Reads

3 Reasons to Praise God in the Trials
3 Reasons to Praise God in the Trials
Because God is not disinterested in our pain.
How He Longs for You
How He Longs for You
Spend 5 minutes with Jesus today.
Listening for God's Holy Whisper
Listening for God's Holy Whisper
What I learned when I heard the words I didn’t want to hear
10 Non-Obnoxious Ways to Share Your Faith at Work
10 Non-Obnoxious Ways to Share Your Faith at Work
Use these ideas to help you integrate faith and work.
If Your Degree Doesn't Get You a Job, Is It Still Worth It?
If Your Degree Doesn't Get You a Job, Is It Still Worth It?
After amassing loads of student debt, I'm still in search of "real" work.
You Are Worth Fighting For
You Are Worth Fighting For
For when you feel too fat, too frumpy, too stupid, or too poor
5 Ways to Become a Better Mom Today
5 Ways to Become a Better Mom Today
It’s time to get your mom joy back.
The Work-Life-Faith Balance
The Work-Life-Faith Balance
Following God’s lead through all seasons of life
Refining Fire
Refining Fire
5 spiritual choices at the heart of transformation

Top Story

July 27, 2024
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
The risky call to love like Christ

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