Where Have All the Gray-Haired Ladies Gone?
Embracing age in a youth-obsessed culture
Sharon R. HooverJuly 26, 2016
Seeing Our Parents Home
The painful privilege of caring for aging and dying parents
Dorothy Littell GrecoMarch 2, 2016
Jen Hatmaker: What I've Learned from Turning 40
The gains far outweigh the losses
Jen HatmakerOctober 14, 2015
The Idolatry of Youth
In God’s economy, age is an honor.
By Kelli B. TrujilloOctober 22, 2014
The Perks of Aging
A septuagenarian on what she and her friends have learned over the years
By Judy DouglassOctober 22, 2014
The Long Goodbye
Deciding how to care for aging parents
Virginia Stem OwensOctober 22, 2014
Appreciating the Wrinkles in Life
Focus more on the miracles, not on the mess
By Suzanne EllerOctober 22, 2014
Growing Old with Grace
How spiritual transformation affects aging
By Dorothy Littell GrecoOctober 22, 2014
Motherhood Squared
When you’re raising kids and parents
By Marian V. LiautaudApril 21, 2014
My Midlife Crisis
Yippee, skippee, I just turned 50. Plus, 20somethings in quarterlife crisis mode: don't even think about stealing my thunder
Marian V. LiautaudSeptember 25, 2013
Making Beds
Loving my wife means serving her—and it's a privilege
Cecil MurpheyMay 22, 2013
Marjorie's Stars
How God used my mother's final years to show his love in action
Carolyn StonehockerMay 8, 2013
The Purpose of Loss
It seems such a painful reminder, but God has designed everything to make us remember that when we lose everything, he is still there.
Ginger KolbabaMarch 27, 2013
In the Shadow of Death
To survive I need hope, so if faith and the hope of life beyond the grave is a crutch for the weak, sign me up.
by Ginger KolbabaJanuary 14, 2013
Parenting Again, Like It or Not
What to do when you find yourself caring for your child's child
Martha Evans SparksJuly 19, 2012