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  • A Tale of Two Thighs
    Why comparing our hearts to our waistlines never works
  • Curbing Comparison
    How to rid yourself of one of the biggest joy-robbers and dream-shredders in your life
  • Complain, Complain
    What I miss in life when I focus on criticizing.
  • A Bitter Taste
  • That's Not Fair
  • Great Question
    Confronting Sin Versus a Critical Spirit
  • Starting Out: Situation: Critical
    Constructive criticism is a bit of an oxymoron in our home—but we're working on it!
  • My Job's Bigger than Your Job
    How to keep competition from creeping into your home life
  • Husband Bashing
    When I joined in on a gripe-fest about spouses, God taught me a lesson I'll never forget.
  • Public Disclosure
    When is it okay to vent about your marriage?
  • Delilah
    The Queen of Whine (Judges 16:4-20)
  • The Secret of a Grateful Heart
    The practice that released my bitterness and restored my joy.
  • Tough Love
    5 keys to staying married (when you feel like calling it quits)
  • growing up: early elementary
    Your guide to the ages and stages of development

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July 26, 2024
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
The risky call to love like Christ

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