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  • Angry Christian Women
    Seeing red? Here’s how to redeem your anger.
  • Exercising Bravery
    It’s about more than just numbers on a scale
  • From Hoarding to "I Have Enough"
    9 tips for simplifying your life
  • If We Had a Wii, We'd All Be Happy
    And other myths we believe
  • Lessons from a Clothes Shopping Fast
    Distinguishing between needs and wants—and why it's important to our souls.
  • My Stiff-Necked Life
    How God led me through my own exodus
  • Freedom from My Silly Little Self
    Is being free only doing what we want, when we want?
  • Why Did I Say That?
    I needed to control my tongue better. Could something so simple as praise really be the cure I needed?
  • If I Could Change the Past ...
    I'd done stupid things before, but my thoughtless, selfish words took the cake. Would I find forgiveness?
  • Surrender to God's Good Life
    A deeper look at how to surrender to God.
  • get the best of STRESS
    It can ruin your life or make your day. Here are three ways you can come out on top
  • Count to Five
    Here are Gary Chapman's top five tips for processing anger properly
  • Turn Off & Tune In
    Your TV habits affect your marriage … for better or for worse.
  • Mr. Cool
    Gary Smalley wasn't always so calm and collected. Buried anger could have wrecked his career and marriage
  • I Was a Food Addict
    Could I find support someplace other than my kitchen?

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July 26, 2024
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
The risky call to love like Christ

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