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Arlene Pellicane

Arlene Pellicane

Arlene Pellicane is a speaker and author who loves to encourage women to be happy moms. Her books include 31 Days to Becoming a Happy Mom, 31 Days to a Happy Husband, and Growing Up Social: Raising Relational Kids in a Screen-Driven World (co-authored with Gary Chapman). She has been a featured guest on the Today Show, Fox & Friends and Focus on the Family. Arlene earned her BA from Biola University and her master's in journalism from Regent University. She lives in Southern California with her husband James and their three children, who provide plenty of comic relief and material for writing. You can connect with Arlene at @ArlenePellicane and on ArlenePellicane.com.

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There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
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