Whether your child is starting a new grade or new school, she's probably experiencing those Back-to-School Jitters. Here are ways you can help calm the fears:
- Visit First. If your child will be attending a new school, arrange to visit the classroom and meet the principal and teacher several weeks in advance. Take a picture with your child's name on the back to give to the teacher. Ask for a copy of the previous year's yearbook or class picture to take home. Over the summer, familiarize your child with how she'll get to school.
- Find Out What's Hot. Ask teachers and other parents about the reigning tastes in clothes and practices?like whether it's cool to bring lunches in boxes or in bags. A new outfit can boost a child's confidence. Help your child lay out school clothes the day before.
- Go Easy on School Supplies. Unless you get a notice of what's required, go easy on buying supplies. Teachers often give specific lists on the first day. Besides, the promise of a shopping trip together after the first day will give your child something to look forward to.
- Sort the Feelings. Help your child put a name to her feelings and let her know they're normal: "Honey, everyone has the jitters on the first day of school. I did when I was going into second grade." Reassure her that she will make friends and feel at home.
- Help Him Feel Useful. Give your child something to think about other than himself. You might say: "You are so good at making people feel comfortable. Why not look for a chance to talk to someone who's lonely or scared?"
- Plan the Day Before. Get everyone home early the day before school starts. Help your child relax with a soak in the tub. Sit with her for a glass of warm milk before bedtime.
- Pack a Surprise. Lift your child's spirits with a tucked-in note, a Bible verse, a favorite food or maybe a small gift to let him know you're thinking of him.
- Pray. Pray with your child before bed. In the morning, pray a blessing over your child before she leaves for school?for example, Numbers 6:24-26: "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace."
Back to school?when children are required to buckle down to a more disciplined routine?is a great time for parents to commit to more discipline, too. A family prayer or devotional reading each morning before everyone goes separate ways will draw you together as a family and help you focus on what matters most. Nothing fancy required?some verses, a song, a prayer, a blessing. On the days it just doesn't happen, let go of the guilt, but keep the blessing.
?Barbara Curtis
Mother of 11, educator and author
Petaluma, CA
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