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  • Hipster Meets World
    What are Millennials doing after college?
  • My Call to Attend a Secular College
    How I learned to trust God in the midst of change
  • Is It Worth Going Back to School?
    It didn't add up financially, but God led me to a master's degree anyway
  • Christian Kids in Public School
    It's a choice driven by my faith
  • Get Smart
    Finding the right fit for education
  • Why I Homeschool
    The gift of teaching my own children
  • The Education Debate
    What to consider when deciding on your child's schooling
  • Summer-Style Learning
    Transform a long summer into a fun, educational adventure!
  • Hello, Goodbye
    It seemed our life as parents had just begun when we packed our son off to college
  • From Victims to Victors
    A school counselor's thoughts on the bullying "epidemic"
  • Q & A
    Fearing Unfaithfulness, a 'Co-ed' Wife and Stepfamily Tensions
  • The Grad School Survival Program
    How to send your spouse off to school without letting go of your marriage
  • Going Public
    9 ways to help your child survive—and thrive—in the public-school setting.
  • High Hopes for High School
    What you need to help your child succeed
  • Going Public
    Parents have a lot of thinking to do regarding education. Here's how one family followed God to school.

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July 27, 2024
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
The risky call to love like Christ

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