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The Magazine

April Week 4 issue

April Week 4, 2014

Browse Archives: Browse our library of online archives, including past issues of Today's Christian Woman.

In This IssueIn This Issue

Learning to Love My Not-So-Fancy Job
Sometimes menial work is the most important
3 Keys for Finding Your Calling
Practical ways to discover God's will
Considering Working at Home?
Considering Working at Home?
Learn from my mistakes. Please.
Why Our Job Matters
Why Our Job Matters
Amy Sherman on redeeming work
Genesis 2:2
Genesis 2:2
A pattern for rest

Bonus Articles

Work Is an Honorable Thing
Work Is an Honorable Thing
How my computer time models honorable work for my tinies
Career, Calling, and "Pootling Sideways"
A new approach to work, life, and doing it all
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