A Healthier Year, Body and Soul
3 Christ-centered habits that are helping this Food Network star honor her body
Melissa d'ArabianDecember 26, 2016
My Word for the Year
A life lesson from my junk drawer
Sherry SurrattJanuary 13, 2016
Beyond Just #Blessed
Gratitude is more than a hashtag
Joy Beth SmithNovember 25, 2015
Living the ThankList Life
Gratitude is not just a choice, it’s a commandment
Joy Beth SmithMarch 26, 2015
Desperate for a Little Bit of Boring
Take a break from your extraordinary life.
Anne WilsonFebruary 19, 2015
God, Money, and You
Navigating from the Word to your wallet
By Patricia RaybonJanuary 14, 2015
Choosing Justice
Start where you are and use what you have to make a difference.
By Bethany Hanke HoangDecember 3, 2014
The Perks of Aging
A septuagenarian on what she and her friends have learned over the years
By Judy DouglassOctober 22, 2014
Appreciating the Wrinkles in Life
Focus more on the miracles, not on the mess
By Suzanne EllerOctober 22, 2014
Gratitude at Work
Why it’s so rare—and powerful—to say thanks
Diane PaddisonMay 15, 2014
What I'm Thankful For
The miracle of Thanksgiving
Mark GalliNovember 26, 2013
The Weightless Grace of Christ
Ann Voskamp on pausing to remember the Greatest Gift we've received
Interview by Natalie LederhouseNovember 13, 2013
Let the One Who Wishes to Be First Among You Do the Laundry
Cultivating a heart of service in the mundane tasks of everyday life
Margot StarbuckSeptember 25, 2013
Making Beds
Loving my wife means serving her—and it's a privilege
Cecil MurpheyMay 22, 2013
'Thank You,' Gift Giving, and Gratitude
Breaking down walls of independence, self-sufficiency, and pride isn’t always easy, but it’s always worth it.
by Cari JenkinsMarch 6, 2013