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  • Considering Working at Home?
    Learn from my mistakes. Please.
  • Those Three Magical Words
    Even from a distance, I was sure I could hear them.
  • 3 World-Changer Things You Can Do Before Breakfast
    Sure, you're just trying to keep your sanity in the mornings, but in the meantime you can also attain superhero status!
  • Mommy Misdemeanors
    Adventures in messing up
  • Building Family Ties with Laughter
    Laugh together like you mean it
  • Just One of Those Days
    Everything was going wrong, my husband was no help—and I discovered the power of love even on the craziest day.
  • Naked!
    My humiliating, humorous moment turned into an important, unexpected God-lesson.
  • Desperate Housewives?
    A humorous look at what Hollywood is really missing when they portray women at home.
  • You're Driving Me Crazy!
    Sure we trusted each other in our marriage . . . just not in our car.
  • God Has a Sense of Humor
    How can we his creatures think things are funny unless the whole idea came from God in the first place?
  • Wedding Wackiness
    MP readers share their nuptial mishaps
  • Finding Humor in Odd Places
    'We've been through so much, we know we can get through anything.'
  • Pop Quiz
    Please answer each question honestly, bearing in mind that while it is impossible to fail this test, your answers may determine where you'll spend the night.
  • When Humor Hurts
    How to keep laughing without poisoning your marriage
  • A Time to Laugh
    Why having fun keeps the joy in our marriage.

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July 26, 2024
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
The risky call to love like Christ

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