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  • Savor Your Everyday Life
    Choosing a deeper, slower rhythm
  • Pizza Crust Is Not My Friend
    Quick fixes, prayer, and learning to be still
  • How to Win the Waiting Game
    Learning to wait well
  • Trafficked in Suburbia: One Victim's Testimony
    A suburban teen was sold for sex by her own father until her high school basketball coach rescued her.
  • What Is Easter About?
    The world didn't stop and wait for Jesus to sacrificially redeem humanity
  • John 15:9
    Abide in God's love.
  • The Best Gift to Give Your Spouse
    It has the power to renew your marriage
  • Real Simple
    It's not what you might expect it to be.
  • Easing into Silence
    It really doesn't have to evoke sheer terror.
  • Why Silence, Anyway?
    Something uniquely powerful happens when we enter the "sanctuary of God."
  • Editor's Note
    Being alone with God in the quiet.
  • Off the Beaten Path
    Think you don't have the time or ability to get quiet and alone? According to personal retreat director Brenda Jank, your life and faith depend on it.
  • Quiet Your Soul
    How to fill and feed your spirit.
  • Brenda Jank: Run Hard, Rest Well
    Here are a few reasons why it's important to ease rhythms of rest into your daily life.
  • A Gentle Whisper
    How often do we silence the distractions around us and listen for God's gentle whispers? This video is a visual exercise in listening and rest.

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July 27, 2024
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
The risky call to love like Christ

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