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May 2000

Need a Confidence Boost?
Need a Confidence Boost?
Secrets on how to like yourself more
Sibling Rivalry
Here's how to call a truce to your kids' squabbling
Help Your Child Shine
Help Your Child Shine
4 strategies for success in school—and life
Bad Girls of the Bible
And what they can teach us
The Empty Crib
Surviving infertility
Create & Celebrate
TV host Donna Erickson helps you bring out your child's God-given gifts
growing up: early elementary
Your guide to the ages and stages of development
growing up: late elementary
Good Sports
Your guide to the ages and stages of development
growing: upmiddle school
The Silent Treatment
Your guide to the ages and stages of development
Ask Dr. Mary
Single Parenting
Be a Dreammaker
Nurturing your children’s hopes takes perseverance and faith
Mom's Journal
The Measure of Success
Your child's growing independence means you’re doing your job
The Power of Praise
A positive approach to encouraging good behavior
Family Time with God
May: Seeds of Faith
Family Time with God
June: True Treasures
Kids Welcome
A fun way to include children in your small group Bible study
What you need to know before you decide
growing up: baby
Fun and Games
Your guide to the ages and stages of development
growing up: toddler
Word Wise
Your guide to the ages and stages of development
growing up: preschool
Your guide to the ages and stages of development
What You Don't Know About Joan of Arc
What You Don't Know About Joan of Arc
Her devout heroism saved a country
Who Done It?
Crime and criminals are as old as mankind. The Bible, which records the world's first murder in Genesis 4:8, often reads like a police blotter. Test your detective skills and your Bible knowledge by matching these suspects to their crimes
Hide It in Your Heart
Five ways to keep the Bible in mind

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February 13, 2025
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
The risky call to love like Christ

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