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December 2015

Add Pie to Your New Year’s Resolutions
Add Pie to Your New Year’s Resolutions
How to pursue a well-ordered heart
Christmas Needs to Be More than A Distraction in Winter
Christmas, the observance of the birth of the Messiah, was never intended to simply be a distraction.
Being a Good Leader Means Experiencing Pain
Being a Good Leader Means Experiencing Pain
But what is your hurt trying to tell you?
3 Things Every Mentor Must Do
3 Things Every Mentor Must Do
How to transform your relationships
What to Do When Marriage Disappoints You
It takes commitment and determination to work through disappointments in marriage. But it can be done.
The Planned Parenthood Shooting: It's About More than Good and Evil
What happened in Colorado Springs is a glaring example of what happens when we simplify complicated social issues with a good vs. evil lens.
My Daughter Can't Do It All
My Daughter Can't Do It All
It's time to tell her the truth about the marketplace.
3 Unexpected Secrets to a Better Sex Life
The secrets to better sex in marriage can't be found in magazines.
A Stress-Less Christmas
A Stress-Less Christmas
Learn how to trim the tree and your schedule this holiday season.
Calling All Bloggers!
Calling All Bloggers!
One Million Thumbprints needs your help to get the word out.

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There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
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