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  • Generosity vs. the Gimmes
    How Joshua Becker and his family’s shift toward minimalism helps them live out the gospel
  • From Hoarding to "I Have Enough"
    9 tips for simplifying your life
  • Your Guide to Planning for Retirement
    Responsible and practical financial tips for every decade of your life
  • TCW Marriage Tip #3
    It's important to budget well
  • What Martha and I Have in Common
    Like Mary, I have a desire for deep relationships, but like Martha, I often let work get in the way
  • Online Dating: How Technology Changes our Relationships
    25 million people around the world are looking for love online—but are they developing healthy relationships?
  • In Praise of Solo-Tasking
    The spiritual ramifications of multi-tasking and three ways to get your life back
  • Couple Time
    With a little planning, you can make your own moments together.
  • Dating is a Painful (Necessary) Process
    5 women sound off on sex, dating, and the church
  • Following God's Lead in Our Prayers
    Praying for others taught me a lesson about my own life.
  • The God of Second Chances
    Would I live out the lessons I learned through Jerry's illness and death, or wait for another loss to reset my priorities?
  • Safe at Home for Christmas
    What baseball, of all things, taught us about the importance of family time during the holidays.
  • Purpose-Driven Wife
    Kay Warren used to be a "soccer mom." Now she's fighting AIDS globally and caring for those with HIV locally. What shook up her comfortable suburban world?
  • Task Master
    Is doing it all, all at the same time, really the best way?
  • No Place Like Home
    Why did the "most powerful woman in Washington, D.C." give up the limelight and move back home to Texas?

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July 26, 2024
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
The risky call to love like Christ

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