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  • You’re Not Failing Enough
    What J. K. Rowling and Sara Blakely know that you don’t
  • How Successful People Work Less
    It's time you started working smarter—not harder.
  • Ecclesiastes 4:4
    Chasing the wind
  • Consumed by Competition
    How an online boot camp broke down the lies that were driving my all-or-nothing life
  • Facing Failure
    You may be surprised at what you find!
  • Sloth
    One of the "seven deadly sins" may not be what you think it is—and you may be unknowingly falling into its trap
  • A True Anniversary Celebration
    Coming through a difficult season of marriage and what I've learned since
  • Nothing Personal
    Her eyes were on the prize and she wanted my help.
  • Succeeding at Second Marriages
    Remarriages are more complicated and at-risk than first marriages. Here's what you need to know to make it work.
  • True Success
    A chat with Hollywood couple Patricia Heaton and David Hunt.
  • Marital Drift
    In pursuit of "the good life," busy couples can let everything take priority over the two most important things: God and marriage. Author David Goetz discusses how to make sure that doesn't happen.
  • True Success
    A chat with Newsboys front man Peter Furler and his wife, Summer
  • Can You Have It All?
    When it comes to balancing career and marriage, something has to give—right? 'Wrong!' says Alan Loy McGinnis
  • No Excuses
    How to have a great marriage even if you had lousy role models
  • For Better, For Worse

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July 27, 2024
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
The risky call to love like Christ

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