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September 2013

Making Time for Making Love
Practical tips for a satisfying sex life
Sara Groves: Painting Pictures of Egypt
An exclusive global music video premiere from this Grammy-award winning artist
My Midlife Crisis
Yippee, skippee, I just turned 50. Plus, 20somethings in quarterlife crisis mode: don't even think about stealing my thunder
The Cost of Marriage
The Cost of Marriage
As I pray for my daughter's future husband, I learn more about sacrifice
Filling the Cup
Filling the Cup
Finding the root of our existence in love
Designed to Be Brave
Designed to Be Brave
My brave may look different than yours, but when we choose to step out and take risks, we are changed—and those around us change, too
Let the One Who Wishes to Be First Among You Do the Laundry
Let the One Who Wishes to Be First Among You Do the Laundry
Cultivating a heart of service in the mundane tasks of everyday life
Psalm 18:2
Psalm 18:2
My child was abducted—how I cope when the senselessness of my loss is too much to bear
1 Corinthians 2:9
1 Corinthians 2:9
No mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.
Brokenness and Grace
Brokenness and Grace
How recognition of our brokenness helps us extend the grace we've been given
Hope for Single Parents
Hope for Single Parents
Like me, you can find joy in brokenness.
Doing Justice with My Calling
Doing Justice with My Calling
How language became my way to set the prisoners free
Impatient with Grief
Impatient with Grief
Time does not always heal—and this, too, is hope.
More than Roommates
More than Roommates
How to stay connected to your spouse
An Open Apology to Moms Everywhere
An Open Apology to Moms Everywhere
(I had no idea what I was in for.)
Ezekiel 36:26
Ezekiel 36:26
My husband and I have both learned God can take a heart of stone and make it flesh
Make Your Faith Real Today
Make Your Faith Real Today
Be honest and real about your life on stage and off
Learning to Decrease
Motherhood is an exercise in stepping aside and trusting God
Trusting in the Midst of Terror
Twelve years after 9/11, there's still only one safe harbor.
Laura Story: I Can Just Be Me
A global music video premiere from this Grammy-award winning artist
Free Music Friday: I Feel So Alive
Download a free song from Capital Kings, an electronic-pop duo keeping faith fresh in pop culture
Confessions of a Former NFL Cheerleader
Confessions of a Former NFL Cheerleader
What God showed me after I packed up my pom-poms
A Hammer in My Hands
Like all wives, I have the power to build up or destroy my husband
Altar to Anger
Is rage destroying your life? Find healing through letting go.
A Parent's Guide to Anxiety
A Parent's Guide to Anxiety
How to help kids handle normal and abnormal fear

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